About Me

I'm Ashley and it's no secret that I like to read. If I were asked to choose a favorite book, I couldn't do it, even naming my top 10 presents a problem. I read mostly fiction; popular fiction, YA, science fiction, classics, even a mystery or two, but I also read a little non-fiction and poetry. Books offer an escape like no other, countless adventures, vacations, knowledge, and often, much needed comfort.

I've been thinking about writing a blog of reviews for years, enter I Am That Girl by Alexis Jones. The first chapter really made me think about what my passion is, reading of course, that's obvious. Then I started to think about what friends say when I describe a book I really love, my level of excitement and often, that they want to read whichever book I'm currently raving about. This is what I believe may be my true passion.

I love to find the perfect book for someone to read. Maybe you "don't read," but are interested in giving it a shot, I want to help you find the book that may change your mind. Perhaps you do read but you stick to a certain genre and want to try something different, I might have an idea for you. I love the feeling I get when a friend reads a book I recommend and they love it and want to read another. I hope I can help you find your next favorite book.

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