The year is 2059. Paige Mahoney is working in the criminal underworld of Scion London. Her job: to scout for information by breaking into people's minds. For Paige is a dreamwalker, a rare kind of clairvoyant - and under Scion law, she commits treason simply by breathing.
It is raining the day her life changes forever. Attacked, kidnapped, and drugged, Paige is transported to Oxford - a city kept secret for two hundred years, governed by an otherworldly race called the Rephaim who seek to control clairvoyants for their own purposes. Paige is assigned to the care of Warden, a powerful Rephaite. He is her captor. But if she wants to regain her freedom, she will have to get close to him, to learn something of his mind and his own mysterious motives.
The Bone Season introduces a compelling heroine, a young woman discovering her powers in a world where everything has been taken from her. It also introduces an extraordinary young writer with huge ambition and a teeming imagination. Samantha Shannon has created a bold new reality in this riveting debut.
"There was no normal. There never had been. 'Normal' and 'natural' were the biggest lies we'd ever created."The first chapter read like a different language. I thought there was no way I would make it through but I'm not one to give up that easily. You have to make it at least three chapters in before it starts to make sense. Now I can't believe I have to wait for the second book, why do I do this to myself?
Paige is a likable heroine, she has all the qualities you should look for in any hero; special, persistent, strong moral code. I think I was more captivated by the world created than the character. She lives in a world where clairvoyance is not uncommon, though it is illegal. There are seven different types of clairvoyant, some more common than others, of course she is one of the most uncommon.
The Rephaim use human clairvoyants as slaves. Those who pass their tests become a type of protector charged with keeping the mysterious creatures that feast on flesh out of Seoul I (Oxford.) Those who do not pass are left to live in squalor only called on to be entertainment for the Rephaim. No one can leave once they are there.
I'm left with a lot of questions after finishing this book. There could be so much more to this world and I look forward to seeing it develop. If you like to read fantasy or books dealing with the supernatural I recommend this book.