Tuesday, June 17, 2014

On Positive Reviews...

After reading a few reviews you may be thinking, "This girl loves every book she reads!" That's not exactly true. While I do enjoy nearly every book I read, I don't love them all, some I don't even like. I love to recommend books though and that is my primary goal here, to recommend books I think others might enjoy. I try not to focus too much on writing style (although I do appreciate lyrical writing) but on the contents within the book.

I find I generally can't be too hard on any author, they have written and published an entire book! I think that is something to be admired, not criticized. Their writing not only means something to them, but also to others whoever they may be.

So when I read a book I don't particularly like, you probably won't find it listed here. I suppose what I'm doing here isn't really reviewing books, but recommending them. It just took me a few weeks to really find my feet, as they say.

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