In this Mean Girls meets The Perks of Being a Wallflower tale, narrator Anika Dragomir is the third most popular girl at Pound High School. But inside, she knows she's a freak; she can't stop thinking of former loner Logan McDonough, who showed up on the first day of tenth grade hotter, bolder, and more mysterious than ever. Logan is fascinating, troubled, and off-limits. The Pound High queen bee will make Anika's life hell if she's seen with him. So Anika must choose - ignore her feelings and keep her social status? Or follow her heart and risk becoming a pariah. Which will she pick? And what will she think of her choice when an unimaginable tragedy strikes, changing her forever? An absolutely original new voice in YA in a story that will start important conversations - and tear at your heart.
"...most of those people were just idiots. Sheep, following along. Remember that. Whenever you see everybody clamoring in one direction, do yourself a favor, go the other."I immediately thought of Mean Girls when I started this book. I enjoyed Anatomy of a Misfit. It is a quick read that still has important subject matter. I did have trouble getting used to the dialogue and was worried that it would bug me the entire book. I did get used to it after a few chapters. I love the dedication of this book, I believe it's one of the best dedications I've read.
I like Anika, and kept hoping that she would realize it doesn't matter what other people think. Anika fights who she is inside and who she thinks she has to be. She feels like she's spider soup on the inside, when what she really is, is a caring individual who's afraid to show it. She is always worried that her choices will make her an outcast at school. And I really like Logan, who I felt bad for. He kept their relationship a secret with Anika, for Anika. I even like THE Jared Kline, the most popular bad boy that every girl wants. This book was full of likable characters (even if they all weren't well developed.)
I recommend this book to people who like Mean Girls and The Perks of Being a Wallflower like the synopsis suggests, but also to other YA readers. If you don't normally read YA but you're looking for an easy to read, take me back to high school book, this is for you.
I think I'll read this book.